Learn More About THEMES

Learn more about how THEMES repurposes idle gas wells for energy storage. In this video, Ben Hoffman will walk you through why Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is needed, and why THEMES solution is the answer.

THEMES Awarded Storage Innovations Finalist Prize

The Storage Innovations Prize awarded 5 different winners and 5 different finalists who demonstrate, "nascent and emerging technologies that disrupt or advance current state-of-the-art energy storage research areas". THEMES was awarded as a finalist, validating our subsurface concept as a disruptive innovation to the DOE

Repurposing Idle Oil & Gas Wells proves to be possible

In the paper, "Repurposing Idle Oil and Gas Wells for Large-Scale Subsurface Energy Storage in Saline Aquifers", University of Southern California professors Dr. Don Paul and Dr. Iraj Ershaghi explore the possibility of repurposing stranded idle oil & gas wells for the purpose of energy storage.

CAES shown to be the lowest cost technology by DOE

In the latest comprehensive cost analysis reported by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and funded by the DOE, CAES is shown to be the lowest cost available technology at 100+ MW for durations of 8+ hours in every significant category, including LCOS and Total Installed Cost.

DOE Announces Long Duration Storage Shot

The DOE has announced the Long Duration Storage shot which aims at reducing storage costs by 90%, down to an LCOS of $0.05/kWh in technologies with 10+ hour storage durations, all in the next decade.